"Our opponents are dedicated to manipulating this broken system to raise as much money as possible -- and they've proven they are very good at it," Obama's site declares. No mention that Obama's been pretty good at it himself, raising $295 million to John McCain's $122 million.
John McCain and Barack Obama said they would use public campaign finance only. Barack Obama said he would be a canidate whose campaign would be funded by the people, not private interests. His campaign would be one funded by the ordinary American: the college student, the minimum wage employee, and the bus drivers of America. However like most politicians, McCain would have done the same; Barack met some of the donater's from Hillary's camp. I don't blame Obama for this change. Most politicians would have done this and probably have in the past. The problem is, in my opinion, that he has dressed himself up as the purer and more saint-like than other politicians. Why has Barack Obama's camp found the need to hide who gave him the money? Why is the amount only listed as $1000 or more? Obama made a promise to operate in the limits of public campaign finance. He broke that promise. His only reasoning was that the public finance system was broken. Obama said he would need all that money fight dirty campaign ads like the Kerry Swift boat commercials. Those commercials never really came about. If George W. Bush had made that same comment; what would the reponse have been? Maybe this was a great plan to sabotage McCain's campaign funding, maybe not. I don't fault Obama for changing his mind; he had a tactical advantage and used it. I do fault the way it was done. Don't be a hypocrite, and then make yourself out to be a hero. Account for who gave you your funds. People in America have been blinded by a bad presidency that was very hard on America as a whole. John McCain is not George W. Bush, and Barack Obama is not a perfect person. Please use your heads and remember fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. Quit being fooled by the political arena.
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3 years ago
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