Friday, December 12, 2008

Reply to: Judges ruling on the things they carried

Lawrence said...
Florida Judge RulingI recently heard a drug addiction counselor say that the majority of his addict patients cases all had 1 factor in common. That factor was that the father-figure was missing in these patients childhoods. So by trying to ban gay couples from adoption seems to be a pro-addict cause. To say that these homes are harmful to children is a very ignorant view. The people who think this are wearing blinders that help them ignore all these true problems. I have trouble understanding how any sane person can say that it was better to shuffle these children in and out of homes until they were 18; then to let them stay with a loving, good person. Sexual orentation is just an excuse for people to crucify something they will not take the time to understand. This judge should be applauded for doing the research and looking at the FACTS. "In doing so, giving rise to a slow epidemic in increasing the equality of gay people." It saddens me that a statement like this has to be said. Like the old Depeche Mode song, "People are People". It is up to us to add labels, and we keep doing so. It shouldn't matter gay or straight, black or white, good people are good people. Please judge others as individuals, and don't be lazy and just group people.
December 12, 2008 1:55 PM

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